This week when our plans would fall through we really worked hard to try and keep a positive attitide, keep our heads up! It was fun, we did a lot of walking and talking and laughing and some crying in there at some really hard parts and we had a fantastic and stressful week overall!
Ah, we have so many good times throughout the week but I never know what to write about! We visited a lot of less active members, there are quite a few of those so we work with them a lot! And yesterday we gave the lesson in Relief Society, take a guess what it was on? How to raise your children in the light and the truth! Hahaa we died of laughter when we got that assignment. Claro ask the missionaries to give the lesson on kids. But hey, maybe we´re the least biased so we probably are the best ones to give it. Haha and it went well, our branch is like a little family, i just love all of them so much! But yeah, it was a crazy and stressful week but way fun and we´re thinking these next couple weeks are gonna be crazy as well so all of your prayers are welcome haha!
So today as I was reading in the Book of Mormon, I was reading in Chapter 18 of 1 Nephi. This is the part where Nephi and his family are headed towards the promised land on a ship, and the part that stood out to me was verse 16, right after Nephi´s brothers had tied him up, then once they saw that they were going to drown in the sea they decided to repent and untie Nephi. Verse 16 shows Nephi´s reaction, ah and I only have my Spanish scriptures and he says, ´´No obstante, acudía a mi Dios y lo alababa todo el día; y no murmuré contra el Señor a causa de mis affliciones.´´ He didn´t blame God for his afflictions, he praised God all the day long! What and example, then later on in verse 21 it talks about how he took the Liahona that was guiding them on their journey, that only works according to their faithfulness, and it started working for him. It made me realize that the way we react to our trials and challenges is a huge deal. If he had complained and cursed God because of his trials, his heart wouldn´t have been open to recieving the Spirit, so the Liahona wouldn´t have worked for him either. But because he had his heart turned to God, he had the Spirit with him and could recieve that revelation. It´s a really good reminder to me!
I love the mission, the hard times where I´m just overwhelmed and hurt or sad are just so worth all of the good times, the opportunities to try and uplift, encourage and invite! It´s such a blessing, and I feel more and more everyday with every fiber of my being that this gospel is true. Everyday I realize more and more of the depth of my Heavenly Father and Savior´s love for me and for the people around me. I LOVE THIS GOSPEL. It´s so true, every single part of it, and it´s worth every effort we have to live it and share it!
Thank you for your prayers!
Love, Hermana Miller
1 Nephi 15:24-- This scripture is the best thing of my life! Key to overcoming the temptations of the adversary, I love it!
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